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How to Get Mice Out of Car? (Step-By-Step Guide)

How to Get Mice Out of Car? (Step-By-Step Guide)

Have you found some mouse droppings in your car? If so, this article is for you!

Rodents such as mice and rats usually inhabit our living spaces, such as the kitchen, living room, or garage. However, it is not unusual to experience a rodent infestation in a car! 

Although it is not unusual, being in a small, confined place with them hiding somewhere is definitely unnerving. So if you are going through a similar situation, buckle up, and let’s check how to get mice out of the car.

How to Recognize Rat Infestation in the Car?

Before dealing with the rodent problem, let’s first go through some signs indicating a mouse infestation in the car.

1. Foul Odors

If you have ever had the (dis)pleasure of having rats in your car, you are familiar with the nasty odors that permeate the car. If you notice that your car smells funny even after you have opened the window and ‘changed’ the air, there is a high possibility that you have mice.

Also, always check whether you have spilled something or dropped some food that may have decomposed under your seat! Sometimes the bad smells can come from a mouse’s carcass, but their urine can also cause it. 

2. Chewed Upholstery

Another common sign that you have a rat in your car is the chewed upholstery. Rats have open-rooted dentition, meaning their teeth grow continuously throughout life, like nails. 

Therefore in order to keep them sharp and the appropriate size (too big incisors can cause health problems to mice), they need to constantly chew and gnaw various items, including wood, plywood, concrete, cardboard, and upholstery. 

It is also very common to find pieces of chewed-up insulation under the hood; today, the insulation is made of soybean foam, which mice find very tasty.

A long time ago, I had a mice infestation in my weekend house, and I knew I had unwanted guests because they chewed through a sofa and left a lot of tiny ‘gifts.’

3. Droppings 

Since we are on the subject of tiny ‘gifts’ known as mouse droppings, it is vital to note that they can be a good indicator, if not the best, that you have mice in your car. Mice leave droppings everywhere, producing around 50 to 70 droppings a day.  

You will usually find them in the nooks and crannies of your car!

Therefore, if you notice small droppings on or under your seat, you have a mouse problem. On the other hand, if the droppings are bigger, then you might have rats.

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Rid Your Car of Unwanted Guests!

Before going with the steps, let’s check which tools we need for this task!

  • Rubber Gloves
  • Mask
  • Long-sleeved T-shirt
  • Pants
  • Disinfectant 
  • Sponge/ Paper Towel
  • Car Cleaning Products

Step 1: Ventilate

The first obvious step is to open the doors and windows and ventilate the car. No, you are not opening the door to make way for the mouse because it never just ‘leaves.’ Mice usually hide under the trunk, in the engine compartment, or in your ventilation system.

Also, you will use some pretty strong disinfectants and do not want to inhale the fumes from those products.

Step 2: Put on Protective Clothing 

Before you get into the cleaning part, you must wear a mask, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and rubber gloves. The mice droppings can carry various pathogens, diseases, and infections, so avoid touching them with your bare hands.

In addition, you can also get infected by mice urine or even the nesting material if it is contaminated. 

Mice often tend to nest in mainly inaccessible parts of the car, such as the engine compartment, so remember that if you find a nest, it can also be a source of sickness. 

Step 3: Apply the Disinfectant

The next step is to apply the disinfectant, which is very important because your car (if rat-infested) is a potential source of disease. 

You want o reduce the risk of contracting anything, so use the disinfectant on the entire interior and do not miss anything, including the item lying around. You will probably encounter several urine stains, so be generous with the spray. 

There is a variety of different disinfectants that you can use for the car, and here is a list! Also, you can buy stronger ones, such as Armor All disinfectant spray, but keep in mind that it can be only applied to hard, non-porous surfaces.

 Step 4: Clean the Car

Clean the Car

Image Credit: the_honeybees_hive

After you disinfect the entire car, it is time to take out the garbage (if any) and clean it! Mice inhabit your car in the first place because they need shelter with a potential food source, and what is better than a car?

 Maybe a house, but they will probably take anything they can get. Mice usually start living in your car because they need a warm place during the winter months, and that is the period the critter control gets the most calls from people finding mice in their cars. 

So, take out any garbage you find under the seats and disinfect the dashboard. Use a paper towel, wipe the solid surfaces, and use the sponge and car cleaning products to remove the stains on your seats and carpet. 

After using these products, do not forget to wash your hand thoroughly and do not remove the mask at any time! 

Step 5: Vacuum the Car and Check the Engine Compartment

To eliminate those tiny droppings and potential crumbs and dust, vacuum the car and check the engine compartment. As noted, they like barely accessible locations in the car with easy access, and the engine compartment is perfect for that!

If you intend to check and clean it, first disconnect the battery so you would not experience a nasty shock. Then after it cools down, you can clean it with a damp sponge, disinfectant, and the cleaning product.

Step 6: Get the Mice Out of The Car or Deter Them

The most problematic step is to remove the mice. If you find a nest in your car, using the gloves and the whole protective gear, safely remove it and place it as far from your car as possible. The same goes procedure goes for dead mice. 

Use the disinfectant after removing the nest again and thoroughly clean the area. If you think there may be living mice in the car, use a horn and other loud noises to scare them away. 

Mice generally are fearful of loud sounds because they suggest danger. 

If you still can’t get rid of them, then it is time to use the mouse traps. Before setting the trap, you must remove any food or leftovers (even the crumbs) from your car. 

You can use glue traps; they are pretty cheap. However, I think (and many others) that they are inhumane so an electronic mouse trap may be a better solution. These traps are a bit more expensive but can be used numerous times, so it pays out in the end.

Step 7: Clean Up and Check For Damage

After getting the critter out of your car, it is time to clean up, remove your gloves, wash your hands and face, and change your clothes. Also, check for any damage in the car; mice like to chew cables and wires, causing power shorts and system failures.

You never know what kind of damage they might have inflicted, so call a mechanic if you notice anything unusual. Also, if the rodent problem seems like a biting off more than you can chew, we suggest you call the critter control.

Sometimes it is better to leave it to the professionals, especially if you have a serious rodent infestation!

How to Prevent Mice from Coming Into My Car?

How to Prevent Mice from Coming Into My Car?

Image Credit: tonesofhomeky

To prevent the mice from inhabiting your car, you can, for starters, stop eating food and leaving any wrappers with food residue because it attracts them. 

Also, they have common entry points, such as a steering column, openings between the foot pedals, vent system, and others. Considering that you cannot seal these openings, you can buy or make various mice and rat deterrents. 

Essential oils, such as cedar wood or peppermint oil, may help deter these tiny pests. Mice generally do not like essential oils due to their pungent smell, which naturally drives out mice. 

If you have any essential oil, such as clove oil, mix it with water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then apply the solution in the car, and you will also have a very nice scent or car freshener permeating your car! 


So there you have it! We have delivered a step-by-step guide on how to get mice out of the car! We have also discussed some common signs that you have a rodent problem and how to repel and prevent critters from entering your car!

Do you currently have a problem with mice in your car? Please share your experience with us. If you have any comments and need advice on the issue, do not be shy and reach out!

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